Company Lit Lis

- Your reliable partner


+380 (067) 547 33 03

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About company

LitLis company operates in the markets of Europe and Ukraine since 2007. Thanks to the experience of first-class professionals and the use of high-tech equipment our company always produces only quality products.

Special attention is given to purchasing of raw materials. For production use only clean wood from uncontaminated regions of Ukraine.

One of the main activities of our company is manufacturing fuel briquettes Piny-Kay. We are ready to take an individual approach to each client and his desire, to create a unique product packaging (packaging, quantity). LitLis company focused on the implementation of large batches of goods.



European Quality products and
European customers!



The company successfully works on the market since 2007!

About company

Briquette Pini Kay

Here you can buy inexpensive fuel briquette Piny-Kay


Production Price and description Photos Contacts About company
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+380 (067) 547 33 03