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Fuel briquettes Pini-Kay

Fuel briquettes is pollution-free product, without any harmful substances and is ideal for heating of different kinds of apartment; as in terms of heat dissipation briquette is twice overstep indicators of firewood.

Fuel briquettes are made of sawdust, through the use of natural binders contained in the wood, there are any chemical smells during the combustion process. Proper storage of fuel briquettes will help you keep the properties for an unlimited amount of time.

Availability of processing opening along the briquette creates additional thrust during combustion process and that allows them to be applied even in furnaces with low thrust.

Fuel briquettes are popular among barbecue and fireplaces lovers. Lit Lis Company manufactures fuel briquettes from oak wood.

Certified quality indicators of fuel briquettes from sawdust oak *

Name of indicator

Testing method

The analysis results
of fuel briquettes

1. Moisture mass fraction

AUSS 273114-91, ISO 589-81


2. Analytical moisture


3. Ash mass fraction

AUSS 11306-83


4. Mass fraction of total sulfur

USS 3528-97, ISO 334-92


5. Ejection of Volatile matter

AUSS 6382, ISO 562-81


6. Mass fraction of carbon

AUSS 2408.1-95, ISO 625-96


7. Mass fraction of hydrogen


8. Heat value:
- higher
- lower

USS ISO 198:2006

20.08/4796 (MJ/kg)/(kcal/kg)

17.53/4187 (MJ/kg)/(kcal/kg)

9. Apparent density

AUSS 2160-92

1126 kg/m3

* The results obtained in the test center "HarTsis" Ukrainian State Research Institute of Coal-Chemical. Quality certificate issued for briquettes from sawdust oak.

The video shows the process of burning briquettes Pini Kay:

Scope of fuel briquettes Pini Kay:

  • Fuel for furnaces of various types and purposes, used in residential and non-residential buildings;

  • Fuel for central heating boilers;

  • Fuel for stoves in the bath-house;

  • Fuel for fireplaces and campfires.

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